John “Mr.Biscuits” Murry

John “Mr.Biscuits” Murry


*If prices are not shown, we have not received that information in advance. Celebrities will set and post their own pricing at their tables.

**Prices are subject to change

John “Mr.Biscuits” Murry

Dates: Friday, Saturday & Sunday

John “Mr.Biscuits” Murry, “Concierge of Curses” – Creator of BiscuitTinRPG I have been playing various roleplaying games for years including VTM, Rifts, Paranoia, Dungeons and Dragons, Death in Space, and I have even done some LARPing because it’s fun to have fun in a world of imagination. I took the plunge back into gaming and began storytelling with 5E and since then have gotten to work with a fantastic assortment of people that i couldn’t say enough good things about, I did some freelance writing for Storytellers Forge on their amazing campaign “The Black Ballad” and I have done some layout work for “Beyond the Haunted Grove,” and i have even published some content under my own banner, our flagship book being “The First Gate: A Menagerie of Madness.” So if you have a love of roleplay and aren’t too much of a stickler with the rules we come join me wont you?