Vendor Terms & Conditions

Vendor Terms & Conditions

PopCon is a show that represents a diverse culture of fans, exhibitors, artists, creators, and sponsors. We will not do business with nor accept sponsorship from any entity that discriminates against any other person for reasons of ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, or cultural background. We will not tolerate discrimination in any form and will continue to promote a welcoming atmosphere within our walls and within our city. By exhibiting at PopCon, you are agreeing that you share our values of tolerance and inclusion, and any demonstrations against our goals may result in the loss of exhibiting privileges at our show.This document supplements and applies to PopCon Exhibitor Application Form. By submitting payment to Pop Con LLC, you are agreeing that you have read and understand these terms.

Official Representation

To be considered an exhibiting manufacturer a company must:

  1. Be registered as an official exhibitor with Pop Con LLC, by completing an Exhibitor Application Form, and making all required payments.

Booth Sharing General

Companies may share booth space with other businesses, individuals, or organizations, pending Show Management approval. Request for approval must be made in writing no later than one month prior to move-in date.

Space has only one listing in show guide and the assigned number of badges based on booth size. Additional listing and badges may be purchased. Please contact show management for additional information on booth sharing.

Booth Space Assignment

  1.  All space is assigned by PopCon Show Management. While show management will attempt to accommodate every exhibit space request, show management may need to modify the floor plan to serve the best interests of the event.
  2. Booths are placed in the following order:
    a) Sponsors will receive priority placement
    b) Exhibitors are placed in order application was received.

Cancellation Policy

  1. Cancellation by Show Management: If an exhibitor fails to adhere to policies set forth in this application, PopCon Show Management reserves the right to cancel exhibit space without issuance of a refund.
  2. Cancellation by Exhibitor: Should you (the exhibitor) find that you are not able to attend PopCon and have already paid for your space, the policy is as follows: A partial refund will be given on any booth minus a $150 cancellation fee for 10by10 Exhibitor Booths and $75 for Tables based on the below chart. No refunds are possible for any space or type after that convention year’s refund window ends. (Please see number D3 if you used a promo code and/or received a discount to determine actual refund).
Month Event Occurs
Partial Refund Window Ends
October 31st of previous year
November 30th of previous year
December 31st of previous year
January 31st
February 28th/29th
March 31st
April 30th
May 31st
June 30th
July 31st
August 31st
September 30th
  1. If any discounts/promo codes were applied, those will be subtracted first when determining any refund requested from full booth/table price. This includes but is not limited to “Multi-show” discounts that will be forfeit when determining refund.
  2. PopCon Show Management may reassign or resell any cancelled space at its discretion.
  3. Exhibitor shall not assign, sublet, or otherwise transfer its booth/table space or any rights granted under this agreement/terms & conditions to any other business or entity without the prior written consent of POP CON LLC. Any attempt to do so without prior approval shall be considered a material breach of our agreement and will be grounds for cancellation without refund.

Exhibitor Badges

  1. Exhibitors are allotted two exhibitor badges for every 100 square feet of contracted exhibit space.
  2. Badges beyond the allocated number of complimentary allotment are available at a discounted cost. Maximum of 2 additional badges may be purchased at discounted rate, per 100 square feet. Exhibitor badges may not be resold and all exhibitor badge holders must be employees or assistants of the purchaser.
  3. All exhibitor badges will be available for pick-up at the Exhibitor Services desk on-site at the convention center. Badges will not be mailed prior to the show.

Equipment Provided

  1. Each 10×10 space is allotted one table and up to two chairs.
  2. Peninsula or island booths are allotted one table up to two chairs per 100 square feet of space.
  3. If you have secured a peninsula or island configured exhibit space, and you intend to utilize your complimentary furniture allotment, you must specifically make the request of the official Show Decorator.

Exhibitor Convention Policies

Pop Con LLC must enforce certain policies, impose rules and regulations, and set standards for Exhibitors in order to ensure a safe, equitable, and successful Pop Con.


Uniformed Police Officers, security and undercover Officers will be present during all hours of the show and after hours; however, Pop Con LLC is not responsible for property loss, so please arrange your exhibit to discourage shoplifting. Show Management strongly encourages all exhibitors to take reasonable precautions to prevent theft and damages. If an incident occurs, please inform show staff immediately.

General Rules and Regulations

  1. Handbill distribution is permitted only within the exhibiting company’s booth or at exhibitor sponsored events. No material or adhesive stickers may be posted on convention walls, fixtures, or furniture. Violators are responsible for all fees and damages incurred from the removal of such postings and adhesives.
  2. No selling, soliciting, or handbill distribution is allowed outside of rented booth spaces, unless previously approved by PopCon Event Marketing Program or Sponsorship.
  3. Exhibitors must comply with, and be bound by, all laws, ordinances, and regulations of the country, state, county, city, facility, and, whenever applicable, police and fire departments. All Food and Beverage must be approved by both event and the facility’s exclusive caterer.
  4. Please make sure authorized company representatives staff exhibits during all exhibit hall hours.
  5. Aisles may not be obstructed at any time. Exhibitors may not conduct activities of any kind that lead to congestion of aisle traffic.
  6. When playing music or audio for displays please be mindful of your fellow Vendors. All music must conform to 100% BMI licensed music.
  7. Attendees and exhibitors are expressly prohibited from carrying weapons and/or weapon replicas. Weapons on display must be secured to tables or display for safety. Weapons purchased in the Exhibit Hall must be safely contained or packaged by the seller in such a manner that all edges are covered securely, and the purchaser must remove purchased weapons from the convention site to a safe location (hotel room or vehicle) at their earliest opportunity.
  8. No one will be allowed into the Exhibit Hall during closed hours. All needed items and valuables must be taken with the exhibitor before the Exhibit Hall closes each evening. Exhibitors will be allowed into the hall one hour before Exhibit Hall opens and may stay up to one hour after it closes.
  9. Games of chance are permitted only as a free promotion or giveaway. Under state law, raffles are illegal unless they involve an element of skill. In other words, you can’t give every customer a ticket for a chance to win a prize unless there is an element of skill involved with each ticket, such as answering a question correctly.
  10. Drug paraphernalia, consisting of equipment, product, or material that is manufactured or modified for making, using, or concealing illegal drugs, is prohibited at PopCon and may result in removal from the convention.
  11. No animals are to be put up for sale, adoptions or transfer of ownership. Animals for display-only must receive prior written approval from Show Management.
  12. The removal of exhibits and materials prior to the official close of the Exhibit Hall will not be permitted. Exhibitors must remain present and open until closing on the final day.
  13. Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated artwork is NOT PERMITTED FOR SALE. AI Art can be displayed but clearly marked as “AI-GENERATED ART”, and marked “NOT FOR SALE”

Banner and Display Standards

  1. All exhibit decorations must meet fireproof standards and city fire ordinances. Electrical equipment and wiring must conform to national and local electrical codes. All exhibit displays should be designed and erected in a manner that will withstand normal contact, wind effects or vibration.
  2. For any company whose booth includes constructed elements of greater than eight feet of elevation, please get design plans to PopCon’s exhibitor team. Plans must be received no later than two months prior to the show it will be used. Constructed elements cannot be higher than 22 feet.
  3. PopCon staff will review plans for policy adherence. Such approval is in no way an engineering review.
  4. Banner and sign hanging is closely regulated by the Convention Center. There are specific restrictions to the types of signs that may be hung from the ceiling, as well as to the electrical connections required to power them. There will be order forms included in your decorator packet that require specific information concerning shipment, freight assignment, etc.
  5. Companies with booth dimensions 20’ x 20’ or larger, in an island or peninsula configuration, may hang rigged banners from the ceiling. Rigging orders are placed through Pop Con LLC and will incur an additional expense. Exhibitors must submit images of their banners to Pop Con LLC, for approval. Banners rigged from the ceiling must be 12 feet when measured from the Exhibit Hall floor to the bottom of the banner and no higher than 22 feet from the floor to the top of your banner. If banner does not follow these guidelines PopCon reserves the right to take it down at exhibitor’s expense.
  6. Any banners or graphics that are visible above the 8’ pipe & drape in your booth or banner must be single sided with a finished back that faces the neighboring booth. You can not have your brand images or logos appearing in someone else’s booth, by using double-sided banners above the back of your booth.
  7. Booth sized less than 20’x20’, displays cannot be higher than 12 feet.
  8. Displays and activities must be designed so that they do not block or reduce the flow of traffic. This is a fire and safety consideration and will be enforced.
  9. Full cubic content booths:
         a) Booths that build out to the edge of the assigned space may not have any items extending over the aisle.
         b) Companies using a full cubic content type booth must conduct any sales and demonstrations from inside the footprint of the booth, and may not position staff in the aisles, except for management of attendee queues. 
  10. Exceptions to any of the above “Banner and Display Standards” must be approved by PopCon show management.


  1. Please follow all guidelines, if not PopCon will issue a verbal warning. If the situation is not corrected, a written warning may be issued which could include a suspension from exhibiting at future PopCon conventions.
  2. Damage to the convention center or harm to person’s onsite will not be issued a warning, instead a fine or lawful action will be taken.

Exhibitor Standards for PopCon

  1. PopCon is a family friendly Environment, please keep this in mind when setting up your booth and displaying of your products or promotional material.
  2. Be considerate to this family friendly environment and cover and mark adult only on products with the use of Profanity, Extreme Violence and Gore, products or promotional material of sexual nature or with sexual themes, Nudity, glorification of drugs or addiction, hate, products or promotional material that could be considered insensitive to people’s sexual orientation, religious beliefs, handicaps, disorders or afflictions, race or color. If you have questions on what could be considered offensive please contact show management for a detailed list.
  3. Wearing and Selling Costumes or Weapons—Advertising, wearing, and selling costumes is permitted if they are in good taste.
  4. Video reproductions–you must be officially licensed to sell videos. Sales of reproductions (bootlegs) will not be tolerated.
  5. Compliance—Please be mindful of the standards for PopCon. Failure to follow these standard could result in refusal of the use of materials/displays/products, or closure of exhibit/display.
  6. If further clarification is needed of show standards please contact show management.
  7. All exhibitors and advertisers are obligated to comply with these standards. Failure to comply will result in the refusal of advertising materials, alteration or removal of unacceptable products/activities, or closure of exhibits/display, no refunds will be issued for exhibit space or badges.

Application Fees, Booth Specifications, and Services

  1. If selling or promoting products or services at PopCon you must rent exhibit space and must confine such activities to your space. Exceptions to this requirement must be obtained in writing from Pop Con LLC prior to the start of PopCon.
  2. All booths must be paid for in full at time of registration after payment in full exhibit space assignment.
  3. NSF checks will be charged a $35 processing fee and another form of payment must be used such as a money order, cash or credit card.
  4. Exhibit space will be assigned as detailed under “Exhibit Information” in the Exhibitor Packet and according to the preferences indicated by each applicant. Pop Con LLC’s decisions about exhibitor space assignments are final. Please check in at Exhibitor HQ no later than 9:00 AM on Friday prior to the start of the show. Please have your booths “show-ready” by 11:30 AM on Friday. In the event an exhibitor fails to occupy their space, Pop Con LLC has the right to use space.
  5. Exhibitors agree that if any default is made in any agreement contained herein Pop Con LLC may, at its option, cease and terminate the contractual relationships. In such an event, Pop Con LLC may resort to legal proceedings to obtain possession of exhibitor’s exhibit space.
  6. Please do not begin dismantling any display before the official close of the PopCon Exhibit Hall.
  7. Exhibitors using their own displays are responsible for arranging and paying for all transfer and storage fees, all labor and equipment rental necessary to assemble and dismantle said display, and all costs related to moving said display in and out of the exhibit area and the PopCon site.
  8. All exhibitor shipments must be addressed to our Show Decorator, as per details provided by them.
  9. Exhibitors are allowed to carry in their own product to assigned booth space only by hand or hand truck. No heavy machinery such as forklifts will be allowed. If you cannot carry in your own items, you are required to pay for and utilize the labor through our Show Decorator.
  10. If you need access to a loading dock for pack in and pack out, please check in at the marshaling yard, provided by our Show Decorator.
  11. Pop Con LLC reserves the right to require the alteration or removal of any article or activity brought into the exhibit area that is deemed objectionable in nature or offensive to the average person attending PopCon and shall not be held liable for loss, damage, or injury resulting from alteration, omission, or rejection of said material. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Pop Con LLC against any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury. Exhibitors will be given a reasonable period of time in which to consider any changes required by Pop Con LLC, and may withdraw material so altered if the exhibitor finds such changes unacceptable. See “Exhibitor Standards.”

Table Operation

  1. No mechanical, electrical, or other apparatus will be allowed to create excessive noise or otherwise interfere with other exhibitors. Failure to comply may result in the apparatus being removed from the exhibit area.
  2. No self-adhesive decals or helium balloons are permitted without prior show management approval.
  3. Exhibitors may post and distribute promotional materials only from within their paid areas.
  4. Exhibitors may not engage in live-action gaming activities that pose any potential injury to participants or bystanders.

Security and Liability

  1. Exhibitors are responsible for paying all applicable city, county, state, and federal taxes on sales and promotional activities at PopCon.
  2. Pop Con LLC is not responsible for any injury, or damage to or theft of property from any cause prior to, during, or subsequent to PopCon. Exhibitors hereby expressly agree to indemnify and hold harmless Pop Con LLC against any and all claims for such loss, damage, or injury.
  3. Exhibitors are required to insure their own exhibits, display materials, merchandise, and personnel, proof of coverage and/or certificate of insurance may be required upon request when setting up in the exhibitors hall. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Pop Con LLC against any and all claims for loss, damage, or injury associated with exhibitor’s vehicles, property, personnel, events, and general conduct at the event. In the event that Pop Con LLC or the owners of the convention site are held liable for reasons caused or aggravated by exhibitor’s action or failure to act in any manner whatsoever, said exhibitors shall reimburse Pop Con LLC and/or the convention-site owners for all costs incurred.
  4. Exhibitors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to the convention-site owners or personnel resulting from exhibitors’ displays or actions. Exhibitors are fully responsible for any loss, damage, or injury to PopCon attendees resulting from exhibitors’ displays or actions.
  5. Exhibitors are liable to the convention services firm for any and all damage, from whatever cause, to rented or leased booth equipment.
  6. Pop Con LLC reserves the right to cancel arrangements or contracts or close an exhibit whenever it is deemed necessary for the safety those attending, whenever the exhibit, activity, or material sold is objectionable or offensive to the average person attending PopCon, whenever legal conditions, convention policies, or requirements of the convention site dictate, or whenever portions of the convention site are destroyed or damaged.
  7. Likewise, Pop Con LLC reserves the right to cancel arrangements, contracts, or exhibits if PopCon fails to take place as scheduled, is interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to the premises is prevented or interfered with by reason of any strike, lock out, act of war, act of God, emergency declared by a government agency or Pop Con LLC Show Management, or for any other reason that terminates this contract. In the event of such termination, exhibitors waive all claims of damages and agree that the sole liability of Pop Con LLC shall be the display space rental fee paid. Should PopCon be postponed or cancelled for any of the above, your booth rental fees will be transferred to the new dates.
  8. Pop Con LLC makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the eventual attendance and/or demographics of the event.
  9. Exhibitors will comply with all laws of the United States as well as all applicable state or local ordinances, rules, and requirements of police and fire departments or other authorities of such jurisdictions, will obtain all necessary permits and licenses with respect to their activities. Exhibitors agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Pop Con LLC from any and all costs, suits, and legal proceedings alleging violations of any such law or regulation.
  10. Use of any product by any exhibitor, employee, or agent thereof containing the PopCon trademark, the PopCon logotype, or other trademarks owned by Pop Con LLC is prohibited without the express written permission of Pop Con LLC.
  11. All matters and questions not covered by this application and these terms are subject to the decision and sole discretion of Pop Con LLC Show Management.
  12. Exhibitors acknowledge that they have read the preceding terms and conditions, expressly agree to comply with them, and authorize Pop Con LLC to enforce them.

By paying the official PopCon Exhibitor invoice, exhibitors are acknowledging that they have read and agree to all terms as written.